Customizing Fields in the Summary Pane

You can modify the Summary Pane in Frame Display.

Summary pane columns can be reordered by dragging any column to a different position.

Fields from the Decode pane can be added to the summary pane by dragging any Decodepane field to the desired location in the summary pane header. If the new field is from a different layer than the summary pane a plus sign (+) is prepended to the field name and the layer name is added in parentheses. The same field can be added more than once if desired, thus making it possible to put the same field at the front and back (for example) of a long header line so that the field is visible regardless of where the header is scrolled to.

An added field can be removed from the Summary pane by selecting Remove New Column from the right-click menu.

The default column layout (both membership and order) can be restored by selecting Restore Default Columns from the Format or right-click menus.

Changing Column Widths

To change the width of a column:

  1. Place the cursor over the right column divider until the cursor changes to a solid double arrow.
  2. Click and drag the divider to the desired width.
  3. To auto-size the columns, double-click on the column dividers.

Hiding Columns

To hide a column:

  1. Drag the right divider of the column all the way to the left.
  2. The cursor changes to a split double arrow when a hidden column is present.
  3. To show the hidden column, place the cursor over the divider until it changes to a split double arrow, then click and drag the cursor to the right.
  4. The Frame Size, Timestamp, and Delta columns can be hidden by right-clicking on the header and selecting Show Frame Size Column, Show Timestamp Column, or Show Delta Column. Follow the same procedure to display the columns again.

Moving Columns - Changing Column Order

To move a column :

  1. Click and hold on the column header
  2. Drag the mouse over the header row.
  3. A small white triangle indicates where the column is moved to.
  4. When the triangle is in the desired location, release the mouse.

Restoring Default Column Settings

To restore columns to their default locations, their default widths, and show any hidden columns

  1. Right-click on any column header and choose Restore Default Column Widths, or select Restore Default Column Widths from the Format menu.

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